Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 3

Last night I had a pretty good sleep. Was able to just put my head on the pillow and out i went. So that was pretty good. I passed on the gentle excercise session today and just relaxed in the room. I finished the book ' to kill a mockingbird'. It was pretty good. Went into the ballroom and had a 'clay' session. made a couple things but nothing that great. then we went out into the garden and had to write to ourselves in the future. I dated mine 17 september 2010. Just so that I could be more realistic as to how things would be in a years time. So that was a good excercise. Then lunch, had toasted sandwiches, which had veges and tofu in it. mmm. and then had a long break so had a little nap and read a little bit and then i went for another massage. Today's one felt really good, she had a different style to the lady on monday. so it felt really good. had a nice long hot shower afterwards to get the oils off my skin, cause my skin is already oily and adding more just makes me break out. Had dinner which was quite nice and started on a 1000 piece puzzle, which i'm thinking about just packing up because I wont be finished by friday. I rang Dupri and Pearl this evening because I miss them. And knowing me, when I get home it'll be 'go away' gosh. hahaha. Man, i miss those two gremlins. they really make my day. Every night when i put them to bed, pearl comes and gives me endless kisses and always ends it with a 'lav yooo'. hehehe translation means 'love you'. and dupri always chucks in a 'nose' which is nudge each others noses before he says love you and hops into bed. I really miss giving them cuddles. i make them cuddle me haha because i love it. they bring so much hapiness into my life, even when most days i just cant get out of my crabby mood. so yeah thats pretty much been my day today so far. not that much going on, just relax, relax, relax and oh, did i say relax. yeah. well.

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