Friday, July 3, 2009

Mid Singles

Now I thought that this was worth a mention.

Did you know that as well as YSA which is 18 - 35, and SA which is 35 and over. There is now a group called the mid singles which is 30 -40 something. hahaha. And the activities compromise with sitting around with the karaoke machine at someones house. A couple people I know fit into the mid singles catergory because they feel too old for the 18 year olds and too young for the 70 year olds. hahahaha. As for me, I've been told to just stick with the YSA for now. Since I'm only 25.

I did get an invite to a SA activity and graciously declined because I knew I would be the youngest person there. And then I thought about it, where exactly do I fit in. There isn't a class for me. Most of the widows are in the SA programme and they're 70 and over. And if there are any single parents in YSA, they've never been sealed in the temple. I wonder if i should just go for some non members instead. Then there's less chance of getting messed up later. But then again, i should just stay single for the rest of my life and keep myself so busy that i don't need to fill the loneliness with anything else. haha.

One thing that came to my mind was that I've had a few comments that what I write is really funny. I think it's a serious topic or something but people seem to think that it's quite funny. Or bits of it anyways, so I thought that maybe I'm more like Jennifer Aniston, that there are just some things where I think I'm being serious but it comes across as something funny. hmmm. yeah maybe i'll pass on that or something.

So that were a couple things i thought i would mention. It's been a kool couple of days lately. I've had a couple good things happen which i will mention in later posts, only because I have to confirm these things first before i write them down. but it's worth noting that there's osmething good coming up on the horizon.

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