I really dont know what it is, I feel so tired. maybe its to do with me staying up til 4.30am watching Greys Anatomy. So it's been quite a lazy day.
But I do have good news. I have an Xbox now. hahaha. Just for me and the kids when we get too bored. I'm more of a computer games person but oh well, this will be a different break. It even keeps kajsa occupied when she's bored while she's here. I can barely keep my eyes open, my kids are disappearing all the time, not sure if they go out the back or if they're going into the house or onto the road. but I've got Dupris Christmas pressie already. i've hid it in the shed so he doesnt see it. It's a second hand Bob the Builder bike from Trade Me. It was an awesome find actually. because Dupri LOVES bob the builder and he's been wanting a bike. it only cost me $34.00 too. That meke bargain. I've got my sights on a paddling pool for the kids. Will have to wait till next year for a proper back yard pool, just don't have the cash at the moment with saving up for Christmas and for a headstone. I've still got a couple things to do on this place out the back before it's to how i want it. Definately want more room for pictures, but there isnt any. Don't want to get our own place again because I can save more being here. Ah well, i better start putting more pics up before this get boring to look at. hahaha.
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