This was when we just turned up in Kaitangata. This is the town where my mums family lives. Just a small town in the wops. haha. It was a pretty kool town.

This is us waiting at the Napier Airport. There was such a large group of us that they started freaking out. hahah.

Mum and hiran

Parris whanau. They couldnt make it so we took some pics and videos of them for the South Island lot to look at.

Still at the airport. Kara posing mad as. hahaha. That was her the entire time.

Well the first day when we arrived down in Kaitangata we had a powhiri waiting for us. Not a proper powhiri, but one that was unique to my mums family. It was really funny to watch. I got it on video. Then we got dinner prepared and our beds set up. Had dinner and then we all sat and introduced ourselves. And then we looked outside, it was still daylight. So we were all thinking 'ok, it must be 8pm' But no, it was 10pm. The kids were tired but still playing because it was still sunny. Even tho it was just a couple hours away, the difference in the sun coming out is different. Even in the mornings, it was still dark at 6am. So yeah, we ended up having pretty late nights and early mornings.
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