Thursday, January 15, 2009

Waiting for the final book of the series

Okay now, I spent the last 2 days just reading. I read 3 novels in the space of 2 days. I was actually reading until I was exhausted at night. Pathetic right!!! Anyways, I just got right into it, I felt like I was the main character Bella and I was experiencing everything with her. I just love reading and the places that it takes you.

I was looking at a couple jobs and things to see if I'd be interested in them. There was one that caught my eye, it means going overseas for 6 months but everything is paid for and I pretty much do sightseeing and report back on what you can do there. And at the end of it, I get a pretty massive paycheck. So, I've been thinking about the pro's and cons. The biggest con is my children. I wouldnt be able to have them with me 100% of the time because of the some of the things this job entails but I'm sure I work through that with no worries. It sounds like such an awesome opportunity and I don't want to miss it. It would be perfect, the whole getaway thing and I will be able to have my alone time whenever I want and just enjoy everything that place has to offer and then at the end of the six months. Can come back to the life here. so I'm pretty excited about it. If it falls through, then oh well. I'm sure that there are plenty more opportunities out there. Even if I do have to drag my kids around with me so that they can enjoy it with me.

I'm waiting for the book shops to open for tomorrow so that I can rush in and get the last installment of the 'twilight' series. In my opinion, the series is an awesome read. It captivates your imagination and you quite literally feel like you're experiencing it. You can feel the emotions and the frustrations of the characters. I cant wait to get my hands on the last book.

So, now that I've got that out of my system. hahahaha.

Dupri has been pretty good wth his words lately, actually extremely good in my terms. And Pearl has been pretty good at trying to talk too. But Pearl is a real drama queen. She is very good at it. Yet I know that she never got that from me. hehe. So obviously, the kids are doing ok.

Now I was thinking, that if I lost 20kgs within the next 3 months, that I would obviously look absolutely stunning, but will feel a whole lot better. Not that I don't have any self-esteem, becuase even tho I'm flabby everywhere, I still walk around as if I'm the hottest in the room. hahahaha. well not really, but i'm hoping you know what i mean. It's been waaayyyyyy too hot, especially carryiing around all this extra weight. It's too hot, spending most of the time, panting and sweating. I've made it habit that when I'm on the phone, to try and pace up and down the driveway so that I'm at least working out while I'm doing something otherwise nonproductive. So now that I'm finished my books, I might be able to go do something with the kids.

Got a birthday invite, so I'm excited to go. Not too excited to go and man both my kids at once. But hey, I'm always up for another challenge. It's always nice to have some alone time but I know that it's all about making sure that the kids have fun first. Since, they're the ones who are going to look back and recall what they've done when they were growing up. I'm quite grumpy a lot. My patience gets very thin pretty easily lately. Well, it's been like that for the past year and a half. So, I'm still trying to be the more patient and loving mother, but seriously, somedays its just way too hard to be patient. All I want to do is just send them away for 2 weeks and enjoy my alone time. But its weird tho, because I can barely stay away from them for too long. I never wanted them to go away for that long ever, because I depended on them. I depended on them needing me and loving me that it helped take my mind off the pain of what I was dealing with with Tangi. Even now, I hesitate to let them stay somewhere because I don't know if I can sleep without them. I tried it on New years eve night. I went out to the YSA dance and Dad had them in the lounge inside the house. Igot home and they were fast asleep and I was about to pick them up to take them out into the room with me but dad persuaded me to just leave them. So I did, and ended up staying up for awhile, but I didnt die from it. I was still well and truly alive the next morning. So, doing it in little steps has been good. I thought I was going to get a break from them when their other grandparents came to get them, but that was squashed when they came and got me. But oh well. It's just something that a single mother has to deal with aye. No real time away from them because Pearl gets hysterical if she doesnt know the person and you can't calm her down for ages. Dupri is actually really good, he just hates the whole parting process, so that takes him a while 2 seconds to get over if you have something kool and exciting for him to do. But anyways, I think I'm going to reread one of the books tonight to handle me till tomorrow morning when we go look for the 'Breaking Dawn' book. hehe.

Yes ok, I am obsessed with 'Twilight'.

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