Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today we walked to church. Nothing like a good workout before going into sacrament. Man I was sweating hard out by the time we got there. After pushing 2 kids on the pram and another walking along side who thought it was a race. hahaha.

So yeah, having to walk instead of taking the car has saved me a bit of money. And also has made a pair of pants a little loose now. And I also got comments that I look a lot browner. The perks of getting a good suntan while walking around in the nearly unbearable heat of hamilton sun. lol.

I've been getting down a bit because my family from Aussie are here and they're not coming back up to hamilton after the reunion. So I kinda thought that the rest of the family would be over a bit more often just to hang out and stuff. But it's been a bit scarce of the hanging out part. Even I've been staying in my room a lot so I'm just as bad too. And they've barely come out the back to hang out with me too. It's been weird, like as if there's just this dampener on this Christmas. I can feel it. I'm feeling it because I don't have Tangi. I'm wondering if the rest of my family is feeling the same way. I'm not sure.

So I'm still deciding about the inlaws and whether I should stay down there. I think I am literally going to leave it till last minute, because since Tangi got diagnosed, I could only plan my life from day to day literally. There weren't any goals anymore but to get tangi better. So I'm still in that frame of mind. The only thing that I'm comprehending at the moment is that in a couple days, we're going to hastings and then down to south island. after that, I'm not bothering thinking about. It's just a bit hard to think about. So, I think I will just wait until we get back to see how I feel then about staying at my inlaws. Maybe I might feel a bit better, but we'll see.

When me and Tangi were living in sydney, we had a lot of fun. We actually had a few bills but when I said to Tangi ' We are always going to have bills, why can't we just have family day outs so we can make memories.' Now I know that this will not work out for everyone but it was one of the best decisions that we made. We made sure that we went out as a family and did stuff and took lots of photos to remember our fun times. My brother gave me this CD that had this program on it called 'From here to Maternity'. We had some friends who were one of the main couples on this program and they had asked us and a few other young families to do some snippets for the in between bits for the show. so we turned up and thats what on this CD, is the bits that they aired on the show of us. there's heaps with me in it and 2 parts with Tangi in it. So it was pretty kool to see what Tangi had said. He looked pretty good too. hehehe.