Friday, April 3, 2009

My grown up kids

Here are my two grown up kiddies. I tied Pearls hair up but she keeps pulling the hairtie out. She'll get used to it. She's 20months. So I guess that makes her 1 year and 7 months old. Dupri with his short haircut and smooth looks. hahaha. I am going to have trouble with him, he'll be bringing home all the girls.

The kids doing their head to the side, cutie look. haha. Well, it's actually Pearl's move but Dupri thought it'd be kool to do it for the camera too.

This is is nice photo of them. And what's even cooler, is that both me and Tangi are in the background. See, our family photo.

This is a really nice brother sister photo. I love it!!!! He looks really protective of his sister, which he is by the way. And Pearl knowing her big brother is there for her. What little cuties!!

Not much has been happening lately. Just the same ol. Still feeling tired but also feeling lighter and happier than I've been in a long time. Feels good to smile again for real. Not to have to fake smile so that no one knows whats going on inside. It's actually a genuine smile. But yeah, right now, my eyes are getting heavy, my kids are sleeping. So maybe I should follow suit. Get a power nap in.

Monday, March 30, 2009

a lot done

Okay, well I havent done too much lately but it's enough for me to feel like I've achieved something. I have nearly finished sorting thru our stuff in our room. When we moved in, I just chucked everything in and it was cluttered and stuff everywhere. Now it's a whole lot more room in here, or it feels like there's more room. But I havent quite finished it yet tho. And it's not that I'm lazy or anything about doing it, for some reason I'm trying to prolong it. I guess I'm trying to make this project last a little longer.
I was talking to someone the other day and said to them that I'm wanting to take something else on to keep me busy. They asked me what have I got going in my life. And that person listed nearly everything for me, like kids, parents, YWs calling, school etc. It's a lot that I've got, but I still want more. He thought I meant in the literal sense of wanting to move on, but for me, no it's not that. I think that I want more to do. So that I feel that I'm constantly busy all the time. It makes me feel a bit more important and keeps me more focused. I don't really know what it is, but the more I have nothing to do, the lazier I get and the crankier i get too. I like having goals that I'm passionate about. And usually I find that when I make a decision, I make sure that I follow thru with what I've decided. And it's because I've decided that it's what I want to do. Not because anyone else told me that I should do it. People can always give me advice but it's my choice whether or not I want do it. And it always ends up being my decision. No one makes me do anything.
I've enjoyed spending my time with my kids. I still have to work on my tone that I use. I've been told that I have a harsh way of talking. hahaha. I believe it too. I guess it was because thats how I was brought up, was with the harsh word. hahaha. A goal that I'm trying to work on that needs to be achieved within the next year and a half, is to get our own place again, downgrade our car to a little one (since it's only us 3 for a while), get a parttime job and get dupri into more daycare, get pearl into parttime daycare. I have a few others, but I think most of these are achievable so I'm working hard on the last 3 goals. Hopefully get pearl into daycare the same hours as dupri and then I've got 3 mornings with no children at all. And then I've got more time to get my schoolwork done. I can't concentrate with them around at all. I get too distracted and it's pointless for me to even study because nothing is soaking into my cranium with the kids running in and out all the time. So yeah, that should hopefully keep me busy.
Went to the movies last week with a couple mums. We went and saw 'the women', its got like, meg ryan as the lead. it's a crackup movie. it had the funniest birthing scene. i couldnt stop cracking up at it.